As an Australian brand, our connection to nature inspires us daily and we are committed to respecting, protecting and nurturing the planet.
Our objective is to consider our impact on the natural resources our planet so generously provides, with a focus on water and biodiversity conservation. and building resilient communities.
As an Australian brand, our connection to nature inspires us daily and we are committed to respecting, protecting and nurturing the planet.
Our objective is to consider our impact on the natural resources our planet so generously provides, with a focus on water and biodiversity conservation. and building resilient communities.

Today, we are proud to have introduced initiatives to reduce our waste within our HQ and Warehouse including a reusable coffee cup policy, recyclable ink cartridges and general recycling and waste management.
Alongside this, we are using renewable energy in both our HQ and Warehouse.
Today, we are proud to have introduced initiatives to reduce our waste within our HQ and Warehouse including a reusable coffee cup policy, recyclable ink cartridges and general recycling and waste management.
Alongside this, we are using renewable energy in both our HQ and Warehouse.

We are on a journey to ensure that our packaging is minimally made using renewable and non-toxic resources, aligned to our framework: reduce, reuse and recover.
With a deep connection to the ocean, we are committed to ensuring that our packaging portfolio is made using 100% reusable and recyclable materials.
Read more here about our journey so far.
We’ve partnered with I=Change with a committed donation of $1 for every order placed, to a life changing project of your choice. We feel so fortunate to be in a position to raise awareness to causes we feel connected to and are so excited to be ale to use our platform to encourage continual support toward these incredible projects.
The power of your purchase now goes far beyond our product, with the opportunity to select where you’d like our donation to go, and to track in real time the growth of our donations. Shop online as usual, then once you’ve completed checkout you’ll see a pop-up asking you to choose where our $1 donation goes.
The projects we are donating to are: Protect A Woman, End Violence Against Women and Keep Girls in School.
Total donated as of November 2023: $191,566

We are on a journey to ensure that our packaging is minimally made using renewable and non-toxic resources, aligned to our framework: reduce, reuse and recover.
With a deep connection to the ocean, we are committed to ensuring that our packaging portfolio is made using 100% reusable and recyclable materials.
Read more here about our journey so far.

We are on a journey to ensure that our packaging is minimally made using renewable and non-toxic resources, aligned to our framework: reduce, reuse and recover.
With a deep connection to the ocean, we are committed to ensuring that our packaging portfolio is made using 100% reusable and recyclable materials.
Read more here about our journey so far.

Seabin Project is responsible for collecting trash, oil, fuel and detergents from our oceans. There are over 850 Seabins installed globally and their technology has collected 1.8 million kilos of garbage and plastics from our oceans to date.
The Seabin moves up and down with the range of the tide collecting all floating rubbish. Water is pulled in from the surface and passes through a catch bag inside the Seabin, with a submersible water pump capable of displacing 25.000 litres per hour. The water is then pumped back into the marina leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag.
The Seabin can catch an estimated 3.9kgs of floating debris per day or 1.4 tons per year (depending on weather and debris volumes) including micro plastics down to 2mm small. A challenge Seabin Project continues to face is a lack of volunteers. As part of our ongoing partnership our team have loved volunteering their time to help Seabin with servicing and Data Collection.
To volunteer your time or make a donation we encourage you to visit their website.
Seabin Project is responsible for collecting trash, oil, fuel and detergents from our oceans. There are over 850 Seabins installed globally and their technology has collected 1.8 million kilos of garbage and plastics from our oceans to date.
The Seabin moves up and down with the range of the tide collecting all floating rubbish. Water is pulled in from the surface and passes through a catch bag inside the Seabin, with a submersible water pump capable of displacing 25.000 litres per hour. The water is then pumped back into the marina leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag.
The Seabin can catch an estimated 3.9kgs of floating debris per day or 1.4 tons per year (depending on weather and debris volumes) including micro plastics down to 2mm small. A challenge Seabin Project continues to face is a lack of volunteers. As part of our ongoing partnership our team have loved volunteering their time to help Seabin with servicing and Data Collection.
To volunteer your time or make a donation we encourage you to visit their website.